MHSA Committees

In addition to the Board of Directors, MHSA is guided by five committees. Committee membership is open to MHSA program members, MHSA Affiliate members, and community partners. Any member or partner interested in joining a committee can reach out to to be connected with the committee’s chair.

Development Committee

The Development Committee is responsible for the ongoing revenue growth of the Association, including identifying growth opportunities, new revenue sources, and opportunities to take on new projects and activities. Additionally, the Development Committee is responsible for assessing existing revenue generating activities, collecting data, and evaluating outcomes.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee leads MHSA’s fiscal work. This includes reviewing monthly fiscal reports, annual budgets and annual fiscal reports, annual audits and tax filings, and fiscal contracts.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is responsible for identifying a slate of nominees for Directors to the Board. The Nominating Committee is also responsible for identifying nominees or award winners for other positions before the Board or membership, including New England Head Start Association board seats and MHSA award winners.

Policy and Advocacy Committee

The Policy and Advocacy Committee is tasked with overseeing MHSA’s external advocacy operations, including reviewing and recommending policy endorsements and sign on letters and developing advocacy strategy.

Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development Committee is tasked with planning and overseeing MHSA’s professional development opportunities, including conferences, trainings and events, communities of practice, and other learning opportunities. The Committee will be tasked with collecting and analyzing member survey data to understand and respond to member professional development needs. The Professional Development Committee may also be asked to evaluate external professional development opportunities and data to ensure that MHSA is filling an unmet need for Head Start programs.